Category Archives: UnitTest

More on TFS and xUnit

In my previous post on TFS and xUnit I tried to describe how to get the unit testing framework xUnit to work with TFS. I have got a couple of comments about not being able to get things to work. Unfortunately … Continue reading

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HowTo: Team Foundation Server and xUnit

For quite some time I have been doing TDD and Continuous Integration (CI), both in my private projects as well as my professional ones. My preferred unit testing framework is xUnit and I recently had to set this up with Team … Continue reading

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For the past week I have been playing around with NDepend. Thank you to Patrick Smaccia from the NDepend dev team for this opportunity. NDepend is an amazing utility that does dependency analysis on .NET applications. Installation is dead easy; … Continue reading

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Yet Another Code Snippet formatter

First some text. Then some code: [TestClass] public class MyTest { public MyTest() { } [TestMethod] public void Test() { // Fixture setup // Exercise system // Verify outcome Assert.Inconclusive(); // Teardown } } Then some more text:

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