Author Archives: strobaek

About strobaek

.NET developer/architect. Runner, espresso drinker and lover of gourmet food.

Windows Phone App: Susaalandets Skole

I recently had my third app for the Windows Phone certified and made available for download (currently only in the US and Danish stores). The app, named Susaalandets Skole, is a small app displaying information about the schedule for a … Continue reading

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MetroReads: Goodreads for the Windows Phone

My second app for the Windows Phone platform got certified today! It is an app to use with From their site: “Goodreads is the largest site for readers and book recommendations in the world. We have more than 8,600,000 … Continue reading

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Start Windows8 in Desktop

Tired of Windows 8 starting up in Metro? Is your first action to switch to Desktop after starting up? Worry no more! If you set a registry key, you can control if Windows 8 should boot in Desktop rather than … Continue reading

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Pull the Rabbit out of the Machine

Today I got RabbitMQ In Action from Manning in the mail. As I have prevous written about, I did a 2nd review on the book. I am, however, looking forward to reading the complete book and play around with the … Continue reading

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Review of books: SOA Patterns by Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz

I have previously written a small blog post about reading SOA Patterns by Arnon Rotem-Gal-Oz by Manning. That time is was what was called a 2/3 review, hence a peer review of the material currently present. A couple of weeks … Continue reading

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SAAK: AgileZen for Windows Phone

I have previously written about my first attempt to write an app for the Windows Phone. It is an app for lean project management using the API towards I had called it MobilZen which seemed like a good and … Continue reading

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I’ve been told that you cannot have an app without having a website to market it. Well, I’ve created a small one using the template created by Nick Harewood. So check it out and please let me know what you … Continue reading

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My first Windows Phone app

Today my first app to the Windows Phone was published into the Marketplace. I’m quite excited and will now wait for the million of downloads. The application is called MobileZen and is build around the lean project management web-site and … Continue reading

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Merry Christmas

Dear Friends and Family, The best wishes for the holiday season and the new year.

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More on TFS and xUnit

In my previous post on TFS and xUnit I tried to describe how to get the unit testing framework xUnit to work with TFS. I have got a couple of comments about not being able to get things to work. Unfortunately … Continue reading

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